Saturday 30 May 2015

Superhero Party!

This was the starting point of my passion for creating something memorable, special and personalised for parties, my nephew Jake's Superhero Themed 5th Birthday party. 
My mum and sister had come across a bunch of ideas that they liked, but they had much grander things in mind than what they could find available for purchase or as a printable and asked for my help, after a couple of years in the creative side of the newspaper industry I have a pretty solid background in designing for print, but creating party products was not something I had tried to do before.
 I was too excited to give it a shot, being a comic collector I had a huge starting point for references and inspiration and soon had nailed down colours to be used though out party (confirming these with my mum and sister of course, as they were to be doing the shopping for plates, cutlery ect)  and had started on constructing a double sided A5 invite that replicated a special edition of The Daily Planet, that well read publication from the Superman comics, one of my nephews favourites heroes, followed by bunting, food and game signs as well as games. Details can all be seen below!
Please forgive the poor quality images, I had to go back a few years to find these images and unfortunately my photography skills we not the best back then! I will update more from this party as I find them. In posts to come I will be using a much higher quality camera and making sure to catch all details, I promise!

Jake and I had a photoshoot that I edited for him to make his front page debut!
Stack of "Newspapers" ready for delivery

Personalised bunting and Drink sign
Food signs and chip cones (made from scanned comic pages) 
Better image.
Closer image.

Food table layout.

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